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Trailworx Nelspruit Trails

Updated: Mar 13, 2020

Alwyn Comforth are an absolute OCD nut when it comes to clean and propper trails and takes huge pride in the way that the people are enjoying themselves on his trails. The trails themselves are not allways accessible and you have to have some local knowledge to make the most of them since they are not all located in one place or a single farmers plot. If you not too sure of your local knowledge you can give him a call and he will most likely drop everything to go show you. But rather don't be that guy....set up a propper time and be reasonable. Give the guy a donation since all the trails are maintained out of his own pocket.

Blue cheese is by far the most well known and it will defnitely make you work for your views...but what a view. Other trails on his network range from red to Downhill. An awesome DJ track and Jump clinic is also located not far from his home.

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